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Tag: health

Wax on with Jojoba

Did you know that jojoba (pronounced ho-HO-ba) is not an oil but a natural wax ester? Of more than 350,000 identified plant species, jojoba is the only one which produces liquid wax esters which are more similar to human sebum than commonly used vegetable oils.

Sebum is a waxy substance produce by our sebaceous glands which helps to waterproof our skin and create a waxy barrier. This barrier prevents foreign invaders such as bacteria penetrating our skin which can cause acne and infections. When using soaps and beauty products which are full of harsh chemicals, sebum is stripped from the skin, leaving it susceptible to infections and irritations.

The jojoba plant is native to North America and was highly valued by the Native Americans who used it for skin ailments and as a skin restorer. Jojoba is now successfully grown naturally in Australia without the use of chemicals or pesticides. The jojoba beans are cold pressed to ensure all the vitamins and nutrients are retained. Jojoba oil should be a deep rich golden colour so if you find clear or pale jojoba then is has been refined with chemicals or heat treated which damages its precious nutrients.

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How Can I Tell if Someone’s Health Is Suffering Because of Harassment?

In the modern world, workplace harassment, discrimination and any other forms of bullying are prevented by law. However, problems still occur, especially when people from different backgrounds are forced to work together.

Because of this, many people suffer poor mental and physical health as a result of long-term harassment. Some people neglect to ask for help because they’re embarrassed, while others may accept harassment as the norm. As a result, they suffer in silence.

This brings us to today’s pressing question: “How can you tell if someone’s health is suffering because of workplace harassment?

Although this is a complicated question that requires a lot of thought, we’ve explored a few tell-tale signs in the rest of this article.

  1. They Lack Motivation for Things They Used to Enjoy

If you notice one of your colleagues starting to lose motivation for their work and other activities they use to thrive off, there could be a problem. Pay careful attention to people who appear sadder or more emotional than usual, and consider approaching them with an offer of help if required.

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Botox for Urinary Incontinence

Botox for Urinary Incontinence 

For smoothing out wrinkles, Botox is many people’s treatment option of choice. However, did you know it holds value in the medical field, as well? Botox injections can be offered as a treatment option for overactive bladder (OAB), according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

What is Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB)?

Millions of people around the world are affected by OAB, with women more likely to be than men. This condition causes a sudden and frequent urge to urinate, and it’s not always easy to control. Day and night, sufferers of this condition may feel they need to urinate. Sometimes, this can lead to an unintentional loss of urine known as urgency incontinence.

Symptoms of this condition include waking up more than twice per night to urinate, feeling a sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinate, and urinating more than eight times in one day. Some people also experience urgency incontinence after feeling an immediate need to go.

With this condition, you may feel like isolating yourself or limiting your social outings. Fortunately, there are many ways to combat the condition, such as changing your diet, pelvic floor muscle exercises, and bladder-holding techniques. However, some sufferers are also seeing the value in Botox.

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What is Food Combining?

Food Combining is a way of eating to simplify the complexity of digesting our foods. It ensures that the foods we eat can travel through our entire digestive system with ease.

Depending on the combinations of foods you are eating, a healthy looking meal may end up causing weight gain and/or digestive problems.

There are two simple rules to food combining:

1) No proteins and starches at the same meal, wait two hours between protein and starches

2) No fruits and vegetables at the same meal, wait two hours between fruits and vegetables

So how can using these rules help? By food combining we are taking into account mechanical digestion (chewing and churning) and chemical digestion (micronutrient breakdown & enzyme production) of our macronutrients.

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4 Ways with Hemp

From the 12th November 2017 the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code made changes to permit the sale of hemp seed as a food. Previously, Australia and New Zealand were the only countries in the world which prohibited the consumption of hemp as it was classed under the species of cannabis, a psychoactive drug.

Despite numerous and thorough studies showing that hemp seed is low-psychoactive it has taken many years and lots of lobbying to get the change through. Hemp has naturally low levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis. Hemp seeds contain less than 0.5% of THC.

The Australian Government now acknowledges that there is no risk of getting ‘high’ from hemp seeds and you will not be tested positive to being under the influence of THC on road side drug test.

So why is hemp so good for us? Hemp seeds are similar to a small nut with a crisp shell and soft inner heart. Seeds are sold unhulled and the heart has a light nutty taste. Hemp is a fantastic source of protein (around 25%) and contain essential amino acids, minerals and vitamin E. It is one of the best food sources with a high ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 polyunsaturated fats.

Now that we can eat it, what do we do with it? Here are 4 ways to eat hemp with various food combinations:

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Is Grass Fed Meat Better For You?

In recent years there has been increasing evidence of the benefits of eating pasture-raised and grass-fed meat and dairy. These are not just limited to animal welfare and the environment, but also include health benefits for humans.

Studies show grass-fed meats are leaner and have lower total saturated fat content and calories than feedlot beef. Meat from grass-fed cattle also has higher levels of healthy fats – conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and the omega-3 fatty acids ALA, EPA, and DHA.

However, the absolute levels of CLA and the omega-3 acids remain extremely low, in comparison to the high omega 3 content found in plant forms such as linseeds and hemp seeds or even seafood such as mackerel and sardines.

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5 Signs You Aren’t as Fit as You Thought 

Fitting exercise into your busy routine can be hard work, even if you know you need to work on your fitness. But what if you think you get enough exercise through daily errands and choose not to do anything extra? Even if you believe you are fit, you actually might not be. These following points might be proof of that.

Your Heart Rate Takes Ages to Slow Down

When you’re fit, healthy, and exercise regularly, you can work out and have your heart rate decrease quickly once you finish. While you’re exercising, it’s also pumping oxygen throughout your body and beating at around 140-190 beats per minute. Once you stop, it decreases by about 20 beats per minute.

However, if you’re not fit, then your resting heart rate can take far longer to achieve. The more you work on your health and fitness, the faster your heart rate returns to its resting rate.

Walking Up Stairs Leaves You Winded

If you find yourself short of breath when walking up a simple set of stairs, then it might be time to include regular exercise into your routine. It’s normal to feel short of breath after walking up a hill, even if you’re an athlete. However, if you struggle to get up a flight of stairs and it takes you a while to return to your resting heart rate, then it’s time to work on your fitness.

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5 Things You Can Do to Boost Your Confidence 

Around 85 percent of people have suffered from low self-esteem at some stage in their life. Botox can’t solve that, but it’s one of many things that can assist. Alongside exercise, a healthy diet, and a few other things, you can be on your way to feeling far better about yourself.


Botox, dermal fillers, and anti-wrinkle injections can all aid in giving your confidence a boost. In Australia, licenced and registered doctors and nurses can administer such treatments. Within a few days, you can be experiencing far smoother lines and wrinkles. The dermal fillers can even assist with volume, balance, and lifting.

If you believe such treatment is right for you, get in touch with a trained professional. Remember, only qualified medical professionals can provide Botox.

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