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Tag: drug rehab

Why Employers Must Recognise Drugs Addiction Is A Disease, Not A Choice

When an employer is confronted with the reality that one of their employees is a drug addict and must enter a drug rehab program, there are several views they may take on that scenario and they cover a wide scale of opinions.

At one extreme will be employers who say the employee is a criminal, that drug addicts have no place in their business, and that anyone who chooses to take drugs is to be fired. At the other end of the scale are employers completely sympathetic to their employee’s predicament, who may have experience of a loved one recovering from drug addiction and who even offer to finance their employee’s recovery.

As you read both of those viewpoints, which do you lean towards? The answer is crucially important if you are an employer and speaks to whether you believe drug addiction is a choice, a crime, and punishment is the answer, or that drug addiction is a medical condition that needs treatment.

Ultimately, how you run your business and your terms and conditions relating to drug addiction within your workforce is a matter for you. However, we ask you to pause for a second and understand one thing. It has been proven by countless medical studies of those addicted to drugs that their drug addiction is a disease rather than a lifestyle choice.

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How to Break Your Addiction News to Your Family

There may come a time when you take the monumental step and admit you need drug rehab. It’s also around that point you inform your family about what has been happening in your life.

Sometimes, people with substance abuse wait until they are in a supportive drug rehab facility or programme until they share their news with loved ones. There can be a right time for when you feel up to doing so.

Breaking addiction news to your family is never easy, but it can be freeing. Read on for helpful information on how to take that first step.

  1. Discuss When You’re Feeling Ready

When you first enter a drug programme or decide to enter a rehab facility, it might not feel like the right time to tell your friends and family circle what you’re going through. And that’s okay. It can be scary enough to admit to yourself that you have a substance abuse problem, let alone those you love.

So, it’s important to discuss your addiction when you’re feeling ready. It should be a time when you’re feeling well, the discussion will serve a purpose, and when you believe those close to you are ready to hear the news, as well.

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